Zionists wars on Gaza

ho hum: a ‘cease-fire’ and the Zionists continue to assault Palestinians…

Another ceasefire in Gaza? No, thank you:
-Sharmine Narwani:
“…After more than 2,100 mostly-civilian deaths, tens of thousands injured or displaced and chunks of Gaza buried under rubble, they managed to get Israel to serve up some “concessions.”
Israelis seemed decidedly glum. Only 69 died, but there was no decisive “victory” either, which always rankles with the IDF and makes politicians drop in the polls.

Gaza Genocide and Canada

some readings…
Israel intensifies air raids on Gaza, destroying 13-story housing unit:
“Israel took its military campaign to a new level over the weekend, flattening a 13-story apartment tower a day after an Egyptian call for an open-ended ceasefire to enable new truce talks.
Local residents said the high-rise housed 44 families. Medical officials said 17 people were wounded in the Israeli strike.