
The poisoning hoax that started Cold War 2.0 with Russia (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the 2004 Viktor Yushchenko poisoning that shaped 15 years of Ukraine-Russia tension and an eventual Cold War 2.0 between Russia and the United States.
The problem with the poisoning (that kicked off a never ending Russia demonization campaign in western politics and media), is that it never happened, and was completely made up.
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Stories from Oles Buzina: Unheroic “bandera”

Much like his caustic historic text on SS Galicia, Ukrainian author Oles Buzina was not very fond of Stepan Bandera—another one of official Kiev’s current ‘heroes’. This following prophetic text, written in 2011, also demonstrates why Buzina became a political dissident in his own home and possible reasons for his assassination in the spring of 2015. *    * … Continue reading Stories from Oles Buzina: Unheroic “bandera”