
Xi promises modernized, ‘more open’ China

Tackling the issue of rising mortgage’s Xi said “houses are for living in, not for speculation”[Xinhua]
The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concludes tomorrow following week-long sessions in which President Xi Jinping outlined his priorities for the next five years.
The Communist Party’s 2,000 delegates on Tuesday inserted Xi Jinping “Thought” into its constitution, effectively making the president the most powerful man in China.

Xi reaches out to non-Communist entities in China

The upcoming 19th CPC National Congress will have to find ways to fast-track economic reform if the country is to maintain a health GDP growth rate
Xi has increased the anti-corruption campaign while also focusing on poverty eradication [Xinhua]
Chinese President Xi Jinping has days ahead of the 19th Communist Party (CPC) National Congress called for greater cooperative work to be carried out with non-Communist parties in the country.

America’s cold war on China is no longer just a trade war – it is a war for the Dollar and Federal Reserve

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Venezuelan President Maduro tells Russia its time to ditch the Dollar and embrace the Rouble and Yuan

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to hold meeting with President Putin in Moscow

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America fears China’s geo-political power more than China’s economic might

The Bannonite wing of the new American right is angry about China. The anger stems primarily from the fact that China’s manufacturing has outpaced that of the US and economies similar to that of the US, which in turn has arguably been a cause of US industrial decline.
Steve Bannon recently gave a speech in the Chinese island of Hong Kong where he stated that while the US is at “economic war” with China, but that nevertheless he and Donald Trump admire China and President Xi Jinping in particular.

Interview 1074 – Financial Survival: Chinese Shockwaves

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-08-11%20Richard%20Heathen.mp3"][/audio]This week Francis Steffan sits in for Alfred Adask on Financial Survival. Francis and James discuss the Chinese yuan devaluation and the shockwaves it is causing in global markets. They also talk about the 2016 sElection and how Trump is a ringer for Hillary.