
“Russia is Buying Gold: Will it Save Russia from Dollar Sanctions?”

Sputnik Radio Interview
by Anastasia Romadina

Transcript of a Sputnik Live Radio Interview with Peter Koenig
28 August 2018
The German newspaper “Die Welt” announced that Russia actively seeks to get rid of dependency on the US dollar by purchasing gold and selling the bulk of the Moscow-owned US Treasury bonds.

Unprecedented: China to Pay for Oil Imports With Yuan in Major Blow to Dollar

(ZHE) Just days after Beijing officially launched  Yuan-denominated crude oil futures (with a bang, as shown in the chart below, surpassing Brent trading volume) which are expected to quickly become the third global price benchmark along Brent and WTI, China took the next major step in the challenging the Dollar’s supremacy as global reserve currency (and internationalizing the […]

China Central Bank pushes for cross-border RMB use

The RMB is the currency of choice for the BRICS New Development Bank. It is the fifth most used currency in the world [Xinhua]
The People’s Bank of China on Friday said that it encouraged cross-border and overseas use of the renminbi (RMB) currency to settle accounts and boost investment.
It acknowledged that Chinese banks have been looking to trade in offshore RMB and that there was a growing need for foreign-funded companies in China to be able to transfer investment revenue overseas.

Russia and China Challenge Dollar Domination

The Russian government has recently announced it will issue nearly $1 billion equivalent in state bonds, but denominated not in US dollars as is mostly the case. Rather it will be the first sale of Russian bonds in China’s yuan. While $1 billion may not sound like much when compared with the Peoples’ Bank of China total holdings of US Government debt of more than $1 trillion or to the US Federal debt today of over $20 trillion, it’s significance lies beyond the nominal amount.

The Petroyuan is the answer to the Middle East’s problem

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Russia to write-off $3 billion in Venezuelan debt

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Russia and China actively collude to bring down the only thing America cares about

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