You Might Just Get It: Sanctuary City Leaders Complain Loudly Now That They Actually Have To Provide Said Sanctuary

Be Careful What You Ask For, You Might Just Get It: Sanctuary City Leaders Complain Loudly Now That They Actually Have To Provide Said Sanctuary

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: For more than a decade I have written about illegal immigration, open borders and so-called “sanctuary cities,” and for the first time, we are witnessing a phenomena that is pitting a liberal-run cities against a Democrat president, and it is a sight to behold. First off, what is a […]

Be Careful What You Ask For, You Might Just Get It: Sanctuary City Leaders Complain Loudly Now That They Actually Have To Provide Said Sanctuary

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: For more than a decade I have written about illegal immigration, open borders and so-called “sanctuary cities,” and for the first time, we are witnessing a phenomena that is pitting a liberal-run cities against a Democrat president, and it is a sight to behold. First off, what is a […]