Yitzhak Shamir

Pourquoi l’Occident ignore toujours les terroristes au sein de ses alliés ? – par Paul Pillar

Deux Israéliens susceptibles de devenir Premiers ministres étaient des leaders de mouvements politiques violents qui ont tué des innocents. Source : Responsible Statecraft Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Le terme « terroriste » est souvent utilisé comme une épithète à usage général destinée à condamner un État ou un groupe honni à être […]

Trump’s “Total Destruction” is “Good War” policy

Trump’s "Total Destruction" declaration at the United Nations reflects America’s historic “Good War” doctrineBy Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgThe liberals have sallied forth to condemn Donald Trump’s words at the United Nations —  that if Kim Jung-un (“Rocket Man”), continues his belligerence, the U.S. will “totally destroy North Korea.”These are the same liberals who applaud, salute and hallow the U.S.

Has the BDS Movement been hijacked by Liberal Zionists?

Palestinian civil society thinks that calling for “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS) represents a creative breakthrough to shake off the burden of Israel’s occupation regime in historic Palestine. Historically, resistance to Zionist intrusion into Palestine can be traced back to the mid-1920s. So far, however, all strategies have failed both before and after the establishment of the State of Israel.

Sisyphus Redeemed

If there is a God, he surely has a sense of humor. The career of Shimon Peres, who is about to finish his term as President of Israel, is clear evidence.
Here is a life-long politician, who has never won an election. Here is the world-renowned Man of Peace, who has started several wars and never done anything for peace. Here is the most popular political figure in Israel who for most of his life was hated and despised.

A new world disorder

 FOLLOWING serious cajoling by the US, the European Union and arm twisting by Arab governments, the Palestinians entered what was to be nine months of negotiations with Israel. The Palestinians, who had forgone demands for Israel’s compliance with previous signed agreements before starting new negotiations, were promised that this time Israel would enter into serious discussions to reach a final agreement by April 29.