America’s collision course in the Turkish-Kurdish conflict

The Trump administration’s policy in Syria was always confused, but now it is beginning to appear downright incoherent.
The Untied States heeded recent Kurdish requests for increased support and consequently plans to heavily arm the Kurdish YPG forces which comprise the core of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SFD).
The announcement came as US Defence Secretary James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis was in Copenhagen meeting with Turkish officials whom Mattis said were also US allies.

Kurdish party calls Astana safe-zone Memorandum a ‘crime’

When it comes to the element of surprise, it would seem that Donald Trump has nothing on Vladimir Putin. Russia’s backing of so-called safe zones in Syria, to become active this evening, has shocked many.
However, many others see the Astana Memorandum establishing these zones as a masterful move in the wider geo-political chess game.
READ MORE: 5 reasons the Astana ‘safe zone’ Memorandum is good for Russia and Syria