Yemen Coverage

Futile: Saudi’s Decade-Long Attempt to Bottle Up Yemeni Youth Revolution is Failing

"Saudi Arabia has crushed our revolution, turned our lives into hell because our uprising was interpreted by the ruling family as a threat to [their] influence and because of their fear of the revolution spreading to the Saudi interior.” -- Yemeni artist Aisha Ali Saeed
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This Is Yemen After Biden Declared an End To American Support for the War

The Biden administration sparked a sense of hope around the world that the war on Yemen could finally be over. For those on the ground though, the bombs keep falling, food is scarce and hope is in short supply.
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Yemen’s Leningrad: The Unforeseen Consequences of the State Department’s Houthi Designation

The recent US designation of Yemen’s Houthis all but guarantees a resurgence of Saudi-backed extremists in the region and could serve to galvanize the group as a stalwart against US-Israeli designs for the Middle East, reports Ahmed Abdulkareem from Yemen.
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A Manufactured Crisis: How Saudi Arabia Uses Oil to Bring Yemen to its Knees

By manufacturing an oil crisis in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is able to foment political chaos in the country and stir up popular discontent against domestic oil companies, many of which are run by the Houthi-led resistance
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Shocking New Figures Show How Just Much the US is Fueling the Violence in Yemen

New figures from the UN and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute show that since the war in Yemen began, the US has sold over $13 billion in high-tech weapons to Saudi Arabia, making the Kingdom a cash cow for US weapons makers.
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Biden Signals a Desire To End the Yemen War. Here’s Why Yemenis Aren’t Buying It

If Biden is serious about reaching a diplomatic end to the war, he has a real chance to add ending one of the twenty-first century’s most violent conflicts to his presidential legacy, but the chance of the happening may be slim reports Ahmed Abdulkareem.
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