Porkins Policy Radio episode 139 Syria Strikes, Skripal Poisoning with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

JP Sottile joins me in the first hour to discuss the recent airstrikes by the US, UK, and France in Syria. We discuss how this is nothing new for the Trump administration, and how in fact this latest airstrike comes almost on the anniversary of Trump’s earlier strike after the alleged use of chemical weapon. JP and I also discuss how this latest attack appears to have targeted three sites which were completely evacuated and probably were known of in advance.

US and Russia making preparations for World War 3

The anti-neoconservative Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who had been the chief aide to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and had opposed America’s invading Iraq, spoke on March 2nd explaining how the U.S. and Russia are drifting ever-more-rapidly into World War III. He said it’s essentially the same way that England and Germany drifted into WWI: being sucked in by their entangling web of foreign alliances.

Stephen Cohen: Unproven ‘Russia’ Allegations Against Trump, Putin May Be Risking Nuclear War

Stephen F. Cohen is a professor emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at NYU and Princeton, and is regarded as one of North America’s foremost expert on East-West relations. For the last few years, he has been conducting a weekly discussion on the new US-Russian Cold War which is being escalated by the US and UK governments. Professor Cohen believes that Western rhetoric and actions seem intentionally designed to diminished diplomacy with Russia, while also diminishing Trump’s own capacity to negotiate.

Galloway: ‘US, UK Diplomatic Expulsions Nearly a Declaration of War on Russia’

British politician, broadcaster, and writer George Galloway has slammed Donald Trump’s decision to expel 60 Russian diplomats and close the Russian consulate in Seattle. Galloway regards it as tantamount to a “declaration of war.”
Galloway contrasted the US’ actions with those of EU member states. Those EU countries who rushed to follow the lead of Britain and the US in response to the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal are simply acting as “vassal states,” doing what they are told.