How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett #062

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/qfc062-wwiii.mp3"][/audio]A Corbett Report viewer writes in to ask about the mechanics of World War III . . . but James' answer may surprise you. Find out the real nature of the weaponry that is already being used in the unfolding Third World War, and the most important real estate in the world over which this war is being fought.

INTERVIEW: Mohammad Marandi on America’s Miscalculation with Iran

On January 8, 2020, Iran responded to the United States by launching a missile strike which hit two US military bases in Anbar and Erbil in Iraq. The Iraqi Parliament also decided that US troops must leave their country. Still, the Trump administration insists on staying, and that Iran should return to the JCPOA negotiation table. Will Washington’s gambit work, or has it finally cashed-in its last imperialist chips?

Pentagon Warmongers Double-Down, Deploying 6 Nuclear Bombers to Persian Gulf

After escalating tensions in the region by attacking facilities and leaders from both Iraq and Iran, war hawks in Washington DC are now doubling-down on their World War III rhetoric by deploying six nuclear-enabled long-range B52 bombers to the contested British territorial island of Diego Garcia located in the Indian Ocean.

Pompeo Goes to Tel Aviv to Pay Tribute to Netanyahu and Prepare War Plans for Iran

The war drums are beating again. They’re beating for Iran.
Recent comments by Israeli Defence Minister Naftali Bennett have shocked some, when he stated this week that Israel would consider striking Iran if it ‘came close to being nuclear-capable,’ and proceeded to warns Iran that, ‘Syria will become your Vietnam.
This is clearly a direct threat of war being made by Israel.