PILGER: ‘A World War Has Begun. Now Break the Silence.’

“In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make “the world free from nuclear weapons”. People cheered and some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It was all fake. He was lying.”

John Pilger

U.S. Greatest Threat is not the Islamic State but the Collapsing Economy

Before the Paris and San Bernadeno terror attacks, “the economy” was Americans’ primary concern, today “ISIS” is Americans’ Number 1 Fear. You may want to reconsider and re-prioritize your fears. You see, no matter how big and bad the Islamic State becomes, it can only behead so many people on any given day. Even if they off…
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This May be Our Last Christmas Pope Warns

Pope Francis told crowds at Saint Peter’s square that this might be the Last Christmas for Humanity.  Just earlier this month, a somber Pope Francis had announced the beginning of World War 3.  “We are close to Christmas. There will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes – all decked out –…
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U.S. & Global Economic Collapse? World War 3? Civil War? Race War? Secret Super-Sized Comet to hit Earth in September? What the Hell is going on?

Here are some headlines that should wake you up, maybe even motivate you to get up and do something to get ready before its too late. Here goes;  The Sh*t Is About To Hit The Fan, Former Goldman Sachs Director said | The Public Has Been Set Up For Slaughter – It Doesn’t Have A Chance | Upcoming Cataclysmic,…

Interview 1059 – Ground Zero: Global Civil War

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-06-23%20Ground%20Zero.mp3"][/audio]Tonight James joins Clyde Lewis on Ground Zero radio to discuss Clyde's latest article, "Russia: Striking the Unattainable Bride." From the Ukraine carve-up to the Greek meltdown to Russian sanctions and the latest American mass shooting psyop, we look at the ways that countries are being divided and conquered across the 3D chessboard.