
Is Saudi Arabia About To Normalize Ties With Israel?

US President Joe Biden is set to visit both Saudi Arabia and Israel, with many speculating that a normalization deal between the two Middle East regimes will be top on the agenda. According to all signs that we have received, is there any indication that Riyadh will sign a normalization deal with Tel Aviv & Read More...

How Close Are We To A War On Iran?

Last Wednesday, the US government decided to take its sanctions war on Iran to the next level, targeting Chinese and Emirati firms that allegedly help in facilitating Tehran’s oil sales in Asia. As Doha centered talks continue in an attempt to revive the Iran nuclear deal, this move seemingly has the potential of either leading Read More...

World Population Projected To Reach 9.8 Billion In 2050, And 11.2 Billion In 2100, Says UN

The current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, according to a new United Nations report released today. The global population is expected to reach 8 billion by November 15, the UN predicts With roughly 83 million people being added to the world’s population every[Read More...]

Barely Legal: The Global Uber Enterprise

The lobbying of Uber should, along with those of other corporate giants, only surprise those prone to pollyannaish escapism.  Its hungry, desperate behaviour takes place in plain sight, and denials merely serve to emphasise the point.  It resembles, in some crudely distant way, the operating rationale of the notorious British sex pest Jimmy Savile, who preyed upon his victims with[Read More...]

Biden “Celebrates” New Gun Laws, Activists Lament

Today being 7-11, one would have thought it would be a lucky day. But America being America, ever fascinated with guns and gun culture, it’s just another day of violence in which, on average, sees 96 people killed by guns. Oddly, too, it was one week ago on July 4th that a deranged gunman killed seven people at an Independence[Read More...]

 No Starvation for Oil

As President Joe Biden embarks on his trip to the Middle East, those of us back home must acknowledge that a “sensitive” trip would visit the victims rather than the butchers. President Joe Biden’s foreign policy advisors are applauding themselves for devising a “sensitive” itinerary as he plans to embark on a trip to the Middle East on July 13.[Read More...]

Masking Returns Despite The Science, Illegal EUA & Zelensky Arrests Opponents/Shuts Down All Media

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/11/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Nuclear Portents On A Burning Earth 

According to Fermi’s Paradox, the failure to date to achieve radio communications between Earth and extraterrestrial civilizations can be attributed to the short-term self-destruction of technological civilization by means of contamination of air, water and land by lethal substances, and the creation of deadly weapons. In the 20-21st centuries this includes saturation of the atmosphere by greenhouse gases and proliferation of radioactivity. Lost in[Read More...]

Saudi Embassy Now Faces Jamal Khashoggi Way

Protesting against governments for human rights violations, illegal acts, war and other non-socially redeeming behavior can take many forms. Washington, like many nations’ capitals, is no exception when it comes to shaming governments, including our own, for their outrageous, illegal and immoral behavior. Being creative with bringing a public protest has always been a challenge for any number of reasons.[Read More...]