
Paradigm for peace applied to Russia, Ukraine, and the US: Proposal for a peaceful pathway forward- Part 4M

Part 4. Mental escalators of violence in US policy and media makers – Part 4M. “Experts” who advocate the expansion of NATO and capitalist privatization dismiss Putin’s accusations and instead falsely claim that Putin craves empire and emulates Peter the Great False Bias #13. Putin Does Not Recognize Ukraine’s Borders or Sovereignty and He Longs to Be an Emperor, like[Read More...]

The Maybe Mob and the Rushdie Attack

He has survived death threats and attempts on his life since February 1989.  But Salman Rushdie’s luck just about ran out at the Chautauqua Institution, southwest of Buffalo in New York State.  On August 12, at a venue historically celebrated for bringing education to all, the writer was stabbed incessantly by a fanatic who felt little sense of guilt or[Read More...]

US Threatens Iran Again As Nuclear Deal Almost Reached

After a final proposal draft text for the revival of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal was presented to both the United States and Iran, the US has threatened Iran with further enforcement of sanctions. Iran has responded to the proposal by urging US flexibility. Despite US President, Joe Biden, pledging to revive the Iran nuclear Read More...

Red Flags of Cold war in the Indian Ocean: From IS-claimed Easter attacks to Yuan Wang–5

The alarm bells had been ringing for some time in Sri Lanka. The island nation is strategically located at the center of the Indian Ocean on the busiest trade and Undersea Data Cables routes in the world and hence perpetually in the cross-hairs of big power rivalry. For those who missed the signs if not the red flags; ripples caused[Read More...]

Iraq Finance Minister Ali Allawi Resigns Over Political Crisis

Iraqi finance minister Ali Allawi resigned during a cabinet meeting on Tuesday to protest the political turmoil in the country. Iraq’s political impasse, now in its 10th month, is the longest in the country since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion reset the political order. Nearly 10 months on from the last elections, Iraq still has no government, new prime minister or[Read More...]

This Time the Collapse Will Be Global

The archeological remains of past civilizations, including those of the prehistoric Cahokia temple mound complex in Illinois, are sobering reminders of our fate. I am standing atop a 100-foot-high temple mound, the largest known earthwork in the Americas built by prehistoric peoples. The temperatures, in the high 80s, along with the oppressive humidity, have emptied the park of all but a[Read More...]

Paradigm for peace applied to Russia, Ukraine, and the US: Proposal for a peaceful pathway forward – Part 4J

Part 4. Mental escalators of violence in US policy and media makers – Part 4J. US “experts” falsely claim that a “pluralistic Ukraine” is supported by the US and opposed by Putin False Bias #10. Putin Feels Threatened by a “Pluralistic Ukraine.” Derek Mitchell, president of the National Democratic Institute, one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment[Read More...]

Urgency of Rising above Narrow Interests for Peace and Environment Protection

At a time when the urgency of climate change and the wider environmental crisis has made international peace and cooperation more essential than ever before, there are all the signs of moving away further from this. Seldom have we seen the spectacle of the three biggest military powers the USA, Russia and China becoming more aggressive and defiant at the[Read More...]

Living on a Planet of Lies

Recent episodes of purposeful and accidental truth-telling brought to my mind the latest verbal lapse by George W. Bush, the president who hustled this country into war in Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks. He clearly hadn’t planned to make a public confession about his own warmongering in Iraq when he gave a speech in Texas this spring. Still, asked to[Read More...]

Nuclear war will eliminate more than 5 billion people – oppose war

More than 5 billion people could starve to death following a nuclear war between the US and Russia, finds a study published on recently in the journal Nature Food. Ash and soot from cities burning following the war would enter the atmosphere and block out sunlight, consequently leading to crop failure, etc., and death. The study findings should alert all the people[Read More...]