world health organization

Trump’s Foreign Policy Brilliance? Let Me Count the Disasters

Besides bragging about his perceived accomplishments and castigating China, President Trump was surprisingly benevolent toward the United Nations in his pre-recorded video speech to the General Assembly opening session. JOHN PENNEY
Fake news alert: President Donald Trump said something vaguely positive about the United Nations during his speech marking the opening of this year’s General Assembly session.

War on Terror Presaged COVID Mania

American Institute for Economic Research, September 9, 2020 The War on Terror Presaged Covid Mania by James Bovard   This week is the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America never recovered politically from those attacks, and government responses to the Covid pandemic are repeating many of […]
The post War on Terror Presaged COVID Mania appeared first on James Bovard.

Chilling commentary from Tucker Carlson that we should all listen to [Video]

Let us demonstrate some insanity: What would you say if I told you that the CDC is uncertain that masks provide any protection at all from the coronavirus?
Does that sound crazy to you? We finally see President Trump wearing a mask here and there, and his opponents Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look like bad renditions of Old West bandits as they campaign for President (not Vice President, but President and handler).

Robots Enforce Face Masks, UN Says Pandemic Will Last 2 Years, and Absurd New Mask Orders

The CEO of the robotics company said that his mind was blown by how many more people are complying with wearing masks when a machine tells them to do it. He also said that sales are increasing as businesses are bracing for the possibility they’ll have to enforce Covid-19 safety measures for "years to come."

UKC News: Silicon Valley, Big Pharma Team-up to Censor COVID Content Online

The UK government has taken the global lead in state-issued propaganda for COVID – so much so that they’re now exporting their expertise to foreign governments in need of help manipulating their domestic populations. Also, Silicon Valley tech firms are now actively censoring important medical and health content related to Coronavirus, which raises the issue of their financial conflict of interest with the Big Pharma firms who are spending millions in advertising on both social media and mainstream media networks.

Aid Groups Call for Worldwide COVID-19 Bailout Amid Fears of Mass Hunger

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have already devastated the world. Over 14 million people have tested positive for the virus, and nearly 600,000 have died since it was first identified in December. And cases continue to rise: yesterday saw 248,998 people test positive – an all-time high. World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the crisis is “not even close” to being resolved.