Woke Gobbledegook

Migrants Are So Miserable in Britain They’re Desperate to Leave – But We Won’t Let Them

A growing number of illegal migrants are finding life in Britain so miserable, they’re desperate to leave. But we won’t let them. Michael Deacon wonders why the British state doesn't have the basic decency to let them go.
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British Museum Accused of Celebrating Fascism and Sexism in Roman Army Exhibition

The British Museum has been accused of celebrating fascist imagery and sexism in a new Roman Army exhibition. KCL's Dr Claire Millington seems to object to portraying history accurately, says Guy de la Bédoyère.
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Meet the ‘Transableists’: Able-Bodied Men Who Identify as Disabled Women

If you thought transgenderism was crazy, wait till you meet the 'transableists' – able-bodied people who (sincerely, it seems) identify as disabled, with some even lopping off limbs or blinding themselves.
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I’m a Former Lib Dem Mayor Who Marched for Remain But I’m Considering Voting Reform

As a former Lib Dem Mayor who marched for Remain, Steve Wallis says that at this election he's considering voting Reform U.K., despite it once being the Brexit Party. Here's why.
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Queer Vadis: English Heritage Declares Hadrian and His Wall Queer Icons but Forgets He Owned Slaves

No, says Guy de la Bédoyère, Hadrian's Wall is not a 'gay icon'. Its historical legacy is too significant, and the Emperor's sexuality too irrelevant, to be the latest subject of 'woke revisionism'.
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