If Soterios Johnson leaves WNYC, does that mean the world is coming to an end?

Plus: Dilbert's CEO on "Making the world a better place"Soterios abandoning his WNYC mic? Is this really allowed?by KenYeah, sure, the world is going to hell in a handbasket -- Trump, Hillary, Nice, Istanbul, Munich, blah blah blah. Normally I would be happy to solve those problems, but this week we've got a real problem.

Say it ain't so! It begins to look as if NJ Guv Kris "The Athlete" Krispy may (gasp!) have fibbed about Bridgegate!

Governor Krispy is flanked by two members of the crackerjack Krispyteam he installed as New Jersey's half of the leadership team of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: now-former Deputy Exec Director Bill Baroni (left) and the Krispyman's high school chum David Wildstein, uh, some other fat guy who just went to the same high school at the same time as the governor."Let me just clear something up, okay? About my 'childhood friend' David Wildstein.