
New Photos Show US May Be Expanding Military Bases Ahead of Syria Withdrawal

Twitter user, @obretix, has noted more signs of Trump’s widely-announced ‘troop withdrawal’ from Syria.
U.S. troops, which are supposed to be winding down their presence in Syria, appear to be constructing a new military base between Tell Baydar and Tell Tamr in northern Syria. The base includes a 1.5 kilometer airstrip. According to reports, the base will be able to house about 1,200 troops.

The Outrage Over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal: “We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil”

Regime change advocates, neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces – some 2000+ troops and personnel – from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

Putin’s Syrian withdrawal announcement: neither a full Russian withdrawal nor victory in Syria

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