
LEAKED VIDEO: Obama wiretapped General Patton; Democrats outraged

The Obama wiretapping scandal just went nuclear with revelations the former president tapped the phones of Gen. George S. Patton Jr., a hero of World War II.
This comes right on the heels of a growing scandal involving Obama and possibly his attorney general Loretta Lynch, who allegedly tapped the phones of President Trump and members of his team in the months prior to his taking office.

Trump wiretap is the REAL scandal of the US election, bogus Russia story is the real cover-up

Back on 10th October 2016, shortly after the US intelligence community published its first claim that Russia was trying to interfere in the US election, I wrote an article for The Duran in which I pointed out that the true story was that for the first time in its history the US intelligence community was interfering in a US election in order to swing the election behind its favoured candidate – Hillary Clinton – and that the practices the US intelligence communit

Holder Can’t Even Count How Often DOJ Spies on Journalists

Via NPR, Holder said yesterday in a news conference that he’s not sure how many times he’s signed off on Justice Department requests to spy on journalists:
“I’m not sure how many of those cases…I have actually signed off on,” Holder said. “I take them very seriously. I know that I have refused to sign a few [and] pushed a few back for modifications.