William Blum Column

Found at Last: After Searching for 10 Years, the Iraqi WMD Have Finally Been Found – in Syria!

The World Might Be Finally Losing the Stars in Their Eyes About US Foreign Policy
Secretary of State John Kerry: “There is no doubt that Saddam al-Assad has crossed the red line. … Sorry, did I just say ‘Saddam’?”
A US drone has just taken a photo of Mullah Omar riding on a motorcycle through the streets of Damascus. 1
So what do we have as the United States refuses to rule out an attack on Syria and keeps five warships loaded with missiles in the eastern Mediterranean?

The Leading Whistleblower of All Time: Philip Agee

“There’s no former CIA officer more hated by members of the intelligence establishment than Agee; no one’s even close”
Before there was Edward Snowden, William Binney and Thomas Drake … before there was Bradley Manning, Sibel Edmonds and Jesselyn Radack … there was Philip Agee. What Agee revealed is still the most startling and important information about US foreign policy that any American government whistleblower has ever revealed.

The Leading Whistleblower of All Time: Philip Agee

“There’s no former CIA officer more hated by members of the intelligence establishment than Agee; no one’s even close”
Before there was Edward Snowden, William Binney and Thomas Drake … before there was Bradley Manning, Sibel Edmonds and Jesselyn Radack … there was Philip Agee. What Agee revealed is still the most startling and important information about US foreign policy that any American government whistleblower has ever revealed.