
Can Steve Israel's Beloved Blue Dogs Derail Immigration Reform By Siding With The GOP Again?

John Barrow-- anti-immigrant Blue Dog (GA)Politically, the battle over immigration reform in pretty black and white, right? The Democrats want to reform the system. The Republicans don't. If only it could break down that neatly! The genesis of the immigration problem is tied up in wealthy corporate interests-- primarily backers of the GOP-- who want cheap labor and lots of immigration to drive the cost of labor down and dilute the power of unions.

Paul Ryan Gets A Letter From A Constituent

Hey Paul Ryan!What do you think of the $52 billion in profits to the US Treasury made by the government taking over student lending?Haven't heard you praising the outcome of a "Government Takeover."Why?Could it be that those profits would have been gravy profits to your benefactors?It sure seems to me this is an excellent example of Government gone right.I understand why this is not something you would not like to discuss. Like a wealthy guy (hmm...