
It's Extremely Unlikely Paul Ryan Will Be Able To Hold Onto His Seat In The 2018 Midterms

The new PPP survey has Congress' approval down at 9%. By a 49-35% margin, voters want to see Democrats win control of the House in 2018. On top of that, the Republican Speaker, Paul Ryan, has a job approval rating of just 16%-- with 62% of Americans disapproving of the way he's handling his job.

Paul Ryan Is Extremely Vulnerable-- Despite A Massive War-Chest From Wall Street

Dave Weigel had observed for the Washington Post hours before Paul Ryan's fake CNN town hall-- in reality a deceitful infomercial gifted to his campaign with pre-screened questions and a pre-selected audience by CNN-- that the staged event had "turned into a marketing opportunity for progressives. Randy Bryce, Ryan’s likely Democratic opponent in 2018, has purchased time for two 30-second spots that will run during the broadcast in the Republican’s district. The first spot is designed like the sort of question-from-voters videos that are often used at town halls.

Running For Office, Creating A Brand

Eric Hogensen is an old friend who was instrumental in helping elect Chris Larson, the most progressive member of the Wisconsin legislature. His firm, HSG Campaigns has relocated from Wisconsin to L.A. and in recent months he's been releasing "how to" newsletters for candidates that offer free advise worth more than what expensive Beltway consults sell.

Trump Isn't The Only One Who Isn't Normal-- Ryan Gets A Much-Needed Bipartisan Slapdown

Nancy Ohanian's Speaker PaulThursday, Paul Ryan told reporters that the CBO analysis of Trumpcare is "bogus" and thereby bolstered the Trump Regime's relentless campaign to undermine and destroy American institutional norms.Congress created the CBO in 1974 in legislation then signed by President Nixon, although the legislation stemmed from a dispute between Congress and Nixon over whether Congress would maintain the po

Democrats Shouldn't Shy Away From Union Issues In The 2018 Midterms-- Although Do The DCCC's Self-Funding Conservative Recruits Even Know What Unions Are?

Kashana Cauley writes comedic bits for Trevor Noah. And yesterday, he wrote a decidedly not comedic OpEd for the NY Times, Why Millennials Should Lead the Next Labor Movement. When he was growing up, his dad was a union guy on the assembly line at an auto factory down in what is now Paul Ryan's congressional district. Cauley recalls that his dad's work "regularly sent him to the hospital for surgeries to drain extra fluid from his knees.