
Beyond The Hubbub: Can Randy Bryce Really Beat Paul Ryan In 2018?

As we were entering Politicon a couple months ago, we passed David Frum and I introduced him to Randy Bryce. I didn't have to say anything more than his name before Frum asked if they could get together in Washington to speak and asked if Randy would appear in a movie that was being shot about him. He was excited, very excited; he knows how to read the zeitgeist.


The American Music Awards aren't supposed to be "political," so when Green Day tweaked the words on their new song, "Bang Bang," adding "No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA," it may have caught some viewers by surprise. But not iron worker, union organizer and Wisconsin Green Day fan Randy Bryce. "As usual, Billy Joe Armstrong was just a little ahead of his time," he told us when we talked about the upcoming Blue America Green Day guitar giveaway.

Wisconsin-- The Center Of The Political Universe For 2018?

I had the impression that even before Randy Bryce realized he could do the "impossible" and actually beat Paul Ryan in Wisconsin's southeast congressional district, he was willing to run and rally the base and turn out the vote in the district so that Democrats would go to the polls and vote in other elections, especially Tammy Baldwin's tough reelection campaign for U.S. Senate.

Why Centrism Absolutely Sucks

You probably didn't hear Ann Coulter ranting and raving on Howie Carr's Hate Talk radio show Wednesday. She still trusts in what she calls Trumpism... but not so much in Señor Trumpanzee. She still wants to see him impeached. "If we're not gettin' a wall, we may as well have an attractive, dignified Republican there. We'll get better Supreme Court justices under Pence.

I Doubt Bernie Primary Voters Who Backed Trump (12%) Will Vote For Status Quo Democrats

After the Wasserman Schultz primaries and the post-Wasserman Schultz convention most Bernie supporters I know did exactly what Bernie urged them to do-- they voted for Hillary Clinton. And the ones I know who didn't, voted for Jill Stein. Polling bears my observation out on the first fact-- close to 80% of Bernie supporters cast their ballots for Hillary in the general. But 12% of Bernie voters got the idea that they would rather vote for Trump-- who was spouting "change"-- than vote for the status quo (or incrementalist) candidate.

Randy Bryce-- A Different Kind Of Democrat... More Like Us Than Like Them!

If you're a member of Blue America you got a letter by Randy Bryce yesterday-- Randy Bryce, the Wisconsin iron worker running for the southeast Wisconsin congressional seat represented by a severely damaged Paul Ryan... @IronStache. Randy's letter was very strong and very different from any kind of communication you're likely to receive from a DCCC-manufactured candidate.