White Helmets al Qaeda

America Illegally Bombs Syria Under False Pretexts. Links for critical thinking.

*“…the White Helmets are handling the corpses of people without sufficient safety gear, most particularly with the masks mostly used , as well as no gloves. Although this may seem insignificant, understanding the nature of sarin gas that the opposition claim was used, only opens questions. Within seconds of exposure to sarin, the affects of the gas begins to target the muscle and nervous system. There is an almost immediate release of the bowels and the bladder, and vomiting is induced. When sarin is used in a concentrated area, it has the likelihood of killing thousands of people.

Recent Interviews on Syria and Related

Sharing some interviews done in the past few months at a time when I was too busy to post. Much is old news, related to Aleppo and its liberation, however still quite relevant given that what was discussed proved to be true and corroborated by numerous independent visitors to Aleppo post-liberation, as well as by news on the ground there documenting the crimes of the al-Nusra and affiliated terrorist gangs who occupied eastern areas of Aleppo for years, terrorizing the civilian population.

Those Who Transmit Syrian Voices Are Russian Propagandists? Monitors of ‘Fake News’ Negate Syrian Suffering

*In the old city of Homs, June 2014, speaking with Zeinat and Aymen al-Akhras who endured years of hell under the rule of militant factions. In May 2014, an agreement saw the reportedly 1,200 militants bussed out of Homs (as recently happened in Aleppo), bringing peace to the neighbourhoods they’d occupied and terrorized. Excerpt from my article on this visit and interviewing residents of the old city of Homs: “I dropped to 34 kilos. Aymen told me to weigh myself. I got on the scale and said, ‘What’s 34 kilos?’. A ten-year-old weighs more than that! And Aymen was 43 kilos.

UN covers up war crimes in Syria, citing U.S. backed Al-Qaeda propagandists

Oct 29, 2016, The Duran
Once again, unnamed sources and al-Qaeda in White Helmets are claiming that either the Syrian or Russian air force are responsible for deaths of civilians, this time an alleged 22 children in Idlib province.
Once again, American claims need no actual proof and defy damning satellite imagery contradicting the accusations.