
Thuggish Ways: Mike Pompeo, Punishing Leakers and Getting Assange

Poor, silly, protuberant Mike Pompeo.  The stocky, irritated former CIA director and former Secretary of State is rather upset that those who worked under him dared wag their tongues about Julian Assange.  The wagging so happened to relate to contemplated plans of abduction and assassination, something the US executive formally disallows though permits via various […]

Whistleblowing at Twitter: Mudge Spills the Beans

It must have been music to Elon Musk’s ears.  Twitter, a platform he has had a patchy relationship with, has been the recipient of various blows inflicted by Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, the company’s former head of security.  This was no mean feat, given the company’s reputation as being essentially indestructible.  But Mudge was left with […]
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Punishing Whistleblowers at the United Nations

The United Nations prides itself on exposing, monitoring and noting the travails and vicissitudes to be found on this troubled planet.  It also prides itself on being the premier international institution that protects, or at the very least keeps an eye out for, the principles of the Charter that underpin its existence.  But as with […]
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Whistleblower Relief: Dropping the Collaery Case

The Anglo-Australian legal system has much to answer for.  While robed lawyers and solemn justices proclaim an adherence to the rule of law, the rule remains a creature in state, more fetish than reality.  Had the farcical prosecution of former ACT Attorney General Bernard Collaery gone on, all suspicions about a legal system slanted in […]
The post Whistleblower Relief: Dropping the Collaery Case first appeared on Dissident Voice.

After a Year of Biden, Why Do We Still Have Trump’s Foreign Policy?

Getty Images President Biden and the Democrats were highly critical of President Trump’s foreign policy, so it was reasonable to expect that Biden would quickly remedy its worst impacts. As a senior member of the Obama administration, Biden surely needed no schooling on Obama’s diplomatic agreements with Cuba and Iran, both of which began to […]

The Hounding of Julian Assange Leaves Honest Journalism with No Refuge

It is no accident that Julian Assange, the digital transparency activist and journalist who founded Wikileaks to help whistleblowers tell us what western governments are really up to in the shadows, has spent 10 years being progressively disappeared into those very same shadows. His treatment is a crime similar to those Wikileaks exposed when it […]

Haugen isn’t really a “Facebook whistleblower” and it’s dangerous to imagine she is

The enthusiasm with which much of the media and political establishment have characterised Frances Haugen as a “Facebook whistleblower” requires that we pause to consider what exactly we think the term “whistleblower” means. Haugen has brought to the surface a fuzziness in what many of us understand by the idea of whistleblowing. Even Russell Brand, […]

Blowing the Whistle at Facebook

The only surprise was that it did not come sooner.  Big Tech whistleblowers are not exactly running out of the offices of Silicon Valley, so it was with some excitement that Facebook could produce a person willing enough to show us the laundry, with the dirt still caking the content. And the laundry in question […]
The post Blowing the Whistle at Facebook first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Sorry Cover-Up for US Mass Murder

AP Photo / Kirsty Wigglesworth, File So a top US commander has come clean on primetime TV about the killing of 10 civilians in Afghanistan with a drone missile. Seven of the victims were children packed into a car. CentCom General Kenneth McKenzie said the deadly strike was a “tragic mistake” and he offered his […]
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The Rise of the Security-Industrial Complex from 9/11 to COVID-19

I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. — Osama bin Laden (October 2001), as reported by CNN What a strange and harrowing road we’ve walked since September […]
The post The Rise of the Security-Industrial Complex from 9/11 to COVID-19 first appeared on Dissident Voice.