The "West"

A Peculiar European “Peace”

Building Europe to have peace. Such is the just and fine ambition that one must pursue relentlessly. Nevertheless, it is necessary to define ‘Europe’ and to specify the conditions for the peace that is desirable on our continent. For Europe is a continent. Only de Gaulle had envisaged Europe as a geopolitical ensemble composed of […]
The post A Peculiar European “Peace” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

President Joe Biden Seeks to Destroy Russia and Punish the Russian People

Who, really, is the War Criminal? So what does President Joe Biden want the sanctions imposed on Russia to do? Think back to the 1990s and what the US-NATO imposed no-fly zone and sanctions did to the people of Iraq?  The results were almost 1 million Iraqis dead, according to the website Over at […]

Endless Wars and Failed States: The Tragedy of Neoliberalism

Then all cried with one accord, ‘Thou art King, and God and Lord; Anarchy, to thee we bow, Be thy name made holy now!’ — “The Mask of Anarchy,” Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1819 Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the American ruling establishment embarked on a policy of backing radical anti-nation state ideologies (henceforth […]

The Keep Africa Poor and Dependent Project  

Exploited and abused for generations by white colonial powers and manipulative economic structures, there is a growing feeling of solidarity within parts of the African continent, as exemplified by the #NoMore movement. Covid vaccine inequality and environmental injustice, together with recent events in Ethiopia, have galvanized people. Ideas of African unity and rage against former […]

Western Lies and False Narratives About Ethiopia

War is big, loud, significant and attracts an audience; media likes it. Foreign wars (commonly Middle Eastern or African) distract from domestic chaos and reinforce a long-held prejudice of savagery and race, and the opposite, equally false notion of western superiority. In all conflicts mainstream media plays a crucial role, often inflammatory, feeding the  discord […]

America Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine

U.S. allies in Ukraine, with NATO, Azov Battalion and neo-Nazi flags. Photo by So what are Americans to believe about the rising tensions over Ukraine? The United States and Russia both claim their escalations are defensive, responding to threats and escalations by the other side, but the resulting spiral of escalation can only make […]
The post America Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Britain helped create the refugees it now wants to keep out

The deaths of at least 27 people who drowned as they tried to cross the Channel in an inflatable dinghy in search of asylum have quickly been overshadowed by a diplomatic row engulfing Britain and France. As European states struggle to shut their borders to refugees, the two countries are in a war of words […]
The post Britain helped create the refugees it now wants to keep out first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Ethiopia: Historic Battle for the Mother of Africa

The outrage felt by Ethiopians at the Western-backed terrorist attack on their country is spreading across the Horn of Africa and parts of the continent more widely.  A great movement of solidarity is emerging as Ethiopia’s neighbors, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya join hands, standing together against terror, imperial interference and mainstream media lies and misinformation. […]

Ukraine Is a Problem Only as Long as the West Makes It One

Ukrainian servicemen take part in a drill of the airborne troops taking place in Zhytomyr region on November 21, 2018. (photo: AFP) Since the fall of the Soviet Union thirty years ago, US policy on Ukraine has been an ugly mix of inconsistency, quiet aggression, fear-mongering and stupidity. Now President Biden is recklessly intensifying the […]

Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion 

The international uproar in response to Israel’s approval of a massive expansion of its illegal settlement enterprise in the occupied Palestinian West Bank may give the impression that such a reaction could, in theory, force Israel to abandon its plans. Alas, it will not, because the statements of ‘concern,’ ‘regrets’, ‘disappointment’ and even outright condemnation […]