Welfare State

DPAC threatened with legal action 4 supporting Anthony Kletzander: parents interview

DPAC has removed our most recent piece on Anthony Kletzander from our website due to a ‘cease and desist’ letter from solicitors representing Nua Healthcare threatening legal action against us for raising awareness of the case. DPAC have published pieces on Anthony and his situation since late 2013. We firmly believe that Anthony’s desire for independent living, instead of institutionalisation should be upheld, as per Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We also believe that we have a duty to raise public awareness on Anthony’s experiences.

Even the Council on Foreign Relations Is Saying It: Time to Rain Money on Main Street

When an article appears in Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the policy-setting Council on Foreign Relations, recommending that the Federal Reserve do a money drop directly on the 99%, you know the central bank must be down to its last bullet.
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Remember the “Labor” in Labor Day

“They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command. But in all the history of the world you, the people, have never had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people … Do not worry over the charge of treason to your masters, but be concerned about the treason that involves yourselves. Be true to yourself and you cannot be a traitor to any good cause on earth.” ~ Eugene Debs

The ‘tragedy of the NHS’

THE NHS is being dismantled before our eyes. Since the 1990s it has been forced to mimic the market with competition between NHS providers.
This has created a less efficient and more chaotic system of health provision.
The last Labour government introduced private finance inititives, where private companies built hospitals but saddled the NHS with appalling debt in return.
The Con-Dem government has massively accelerated the process of NHS destruction.

Inclusive Capitalism? What an Oxymoron!

Food shortages and the fossil fuel climate crisis with its droughts, floods and other destructions are among the ways people experience the downside of capitalism in daily life. Both are the result of the rich having too much control of the wealth produced by society and the large majority having too little. The rich are so deeply invested—directly and indirectly—in fossil fuels that they will cling to its use to the bitter end.

A world war between classes, not countries

While powerful beneficiaries of war and military spending - major banks (as primary lenders to governments) and the military-security-industrial complex - thrive on war and international tensions, they nonetheless tend to prefer local, national, limited, or "manageable" wars to large scale regional or global wars that, in a cataclysmic fashion, could paralyze global markets altogether.

Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off

It is astonishing that this pernicious web of lies has been spun largely unchallenged; that the construction of this vast edifice of fabrication has been permitted. Yet the powerful mythology surrounding benefits comes tumbling down with the slightest pressure; crumbles at the gentlest application of logic or rationality, shatters and splinters on exposure to mere facts.
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“The dogs bark, but the caravan passes on.”

Only when Mark Carney, Christine Lagarde and Prince Charles start talking about the abolition of privately created debt-based money should we even begin to take them seriously. Of course such an affront to the obscenely wealthy would have seen even Prince Charles ejected from the Mansion House soiree.
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Millions Are Now Realizing They’re Too Poor For Obamacare

By Jeffrey Young (Huffington Post) Thanks to a Supreme Court ruling and staunch Republican resistance, Marc Alphonse, an unemployed 40-year-old Marine veteran who is essentially homeless, cannot get health insurance under Obamacare. Three years ago, Alphonse learned he has a kidney disorder that will deteriorate into kidney failure, and possibly prove fatal, if left untreated.

Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2013: David Simon

There are two Americas. In one, bankers get golden parachutes, insider traders return to society as well-paid consultants, and influence is for sale. In the other, opportunity is scarce and forgiveness scarcer, jail awaits those caught possessing recreational drugs, and cries for help are ignored. Society preaches forgiveness for the rich and retribution for the poor.