
The Holy Mountain Explained – A Jodorowsky Esoteric Analysis (Half)

It’s been recommended for many years and I finally forced myself to watch it.  It’s definitely not for everyone, but this film is definitely one of the most “esoteric” and “occult” films of all time.  We will analyze the film’s stages and symbolism, as well as the meaning of its strange ending.  This “holy mountain” contrasts well with real holy mountains, as we will see.  The full analysis will be available to subscribers.  Support via Streamlabs here.


Protests, The Purge & Controlled Chaos

In this video, I analyze the recent mass media obsession events which, as usual, aid the establishment. What are the origins of mobs and protests? Can they be manipulated? How does it relate to Soviet Agitprop? What are the social engineering uses of mobs and “protests”? Why does the media always ignore the funding of these groups by NGOs, etc? Here is the documentary mentioned, as well as another relevant video.

Hollywood Babylon & Pop Culture – Jay Dyer on Charles Moscowitz

“Veteran award-winning radio host and author Charles Moscowitz is joined by Jay Dyer, host of Jay’s Analysis, in a talk about the history and influence of the modern occult and its intersection with the intelligence apparatus.” We cover figures like Kenneth Anger, Crowley, Tim Leary and others, who had a tremendous impact on the devolution of the arts.

Introduction to Philosophy: Aristotle – Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Tonight we will examine the introductory elements of Aristotle and consider how he was highly influential on the Eastern fathers, especially St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus.  Together with the Neoplatonists, we want to uncover the delicate balance of ferreting out pagan assumptions from truth. Fr Dcn. Dr. Ananias can be found here. Tonight at 5PM CST! 

The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual

From Truthstream Media
“This new language imparts a new understanding through definitions the ritual generates; meaning pegged to signposts of its own self-referential process, even if the original purpose is lost in the repetition of action. A ritual initiation introduces and inducts one into “the way” … a new way of life or worldview, a program to guide beliefs and actions enabling the initiate to become a full and true member of the new society.