Should Individualism be Medicated Away to be Replaced by “Welfarism?”

By Igor Chudov | November 21, 2022 Medical ethics is a large field of study. The Covid pandemic certainly brought many medical ethics issues to the forefront and produced rather amazing “ethicist” gems, such as this: Be aware that “bioethics” has moved on to proposals that might seem crazy to you but are considered seriously […]

How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis

“Adherence to UN 2030 Sustainability Agenda”. Colossal disinvestment in the trillion-dollar global oil and gas sector. By F. William Engdahl | Global Research | November 16, 2022 Most people are bewildered by what is a global energy crisis, with prices for oil, gas and coal simultaneously soaring and even forcing closure of major industrial plants […]

Why is Nature Praising the Use of Propaganda During the Pandemic and Calling for More?

BY DR GARY SIDLEY | THE DAILY SCEPTIC | NOVEMBER 15, 2022 Throughout the Covid era, those expressing views at odds with the dominant narrative were often subjected to unprecedented levels of censorship and psychological manipulation. Academic journals played a significant role in this silencing of alternative voices by, for example, ignoring the work of established scholars, perpetuating bias, rejecting […]

WEF: Eco-anxiety a Driver of the Mental Health Pandemic

By Igor Chudov | November 9, 2022 Big news from the World Economic Forum’s agenda article: Eco-anxiety is a major mental health issue for our young people. 67% of young people are concerned about the impact of climate change on their mental health. Reread this, please! They are not merely worried about climate change. They are concerned […]

Alberta’s New Premier Under Attack For Refusing To Associate With WEF

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | October 31, 2022 Recently noted as an opponent of vaccine and mask mandates, new Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is breaking previously established ties with the World Economic Forum, which has been deeply involved in a “health consulting agreement” revolving around the province’s covid response. “I find it distasteful […]

“We are not QR codes” New Alberta Premier Danielle Smith apologizes for vaccine passports

By Ken Macon | Reclaim The Net | October 24, 2022 During the United Conservative party’s annual general meeting, Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is seeking legal advice on pardoning those that got arrested or fined for violating COVID-19 rules such as not having a vaccine passport. “We are human beings,” said Smith. “We are […]