This Week's News (From a Certain Point of View)

ALEPPO, SYRIA: Remember Benghazi Before You Buy the Latest Propaganda…

And just when you thought the situation in Syria was entering into a period of peace, negotiation and reconciliation, and that the propaganda and deception might die down for a while. Aleppo now continues to be the focus of a renewed and nasty propaganda war, with US and Western officials claiming the Syrian regime has […]

Anti-Semitism/Zionism: And How It Became Impossible to Criticise Israel…

The controversy now rocking the Labour Party in Britain – which is now being blanketly labelled as an “anti-Semitic” party by the media – is actually a symptom of a much bigger problem. That problem basically equates to a strategic shutting-down of all debate over Gaza and Palestine by permanently equating anti-Zionism with ‘anti-Semitism’ and […]

HISTORY REPEATING: Is the US Presidential Race Being Rigged…?

I’ve been wondering for some time whether, in order to ensure victory for the Establishment Messiah Hillary Clinton, we may see a degree of vote-rigging or last-ditch foul-play to push Hillary over the finish line. After all, it’s happened in very recent memory: specifically when last-minute ‘voting irregularities’ allowed George W. Bush to be installed […]

Jesus Mocks Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Laws (But Affirms Anti-Fig Stance)…

Non-profit humanitarian organisation ‘Planting Peace’ hit on a pitch-perfect way to respond to the Mississippi law that now essentially legalizes discrimination against the LGBT community. Planting Peace  put up a billboard in Jackson, Mississippi, depicting a face-palming Jesus and the words, “Guys, I said I hate figs and to love thy neighbor”. The clever reference […]

TAY’s LAW: Or How to Hate Feminists & Love Hitler in Under 24 Hours…

If ever proof were needed that we inhabit an increasingly toxic, divisive climate, and that the modern arena of social media is awash in negativity, hatred and quick-fire BS of an insidious nature, then the incredibly brief saga of Microsoft’s short-lived ‘AI Chat-Bot’ serves as both an amusing and somewhat depressing reminder. Microsoft’s ‘AI chatbot’, […]

BRUSSELS ATTACK: Yet More Proofs of a Staged Event…

What’s increasingly remarkable about staged terror operations or dodgy official narratives is how frequent they now are, how many holes there are in the stories, and how many of the same ingredients appear to suggest the same production company. Really, these things should get more professional, tighter and more bullet-proof each time, especially with all […]

BRUSSELS TERROR: ‘War in Europe’ or More Manufactured Conveyor-Belt Terrorism…?

This has all become so tiresome and predictable that you could set your watch to it. Apparent terror attack in major Western city, rolling 24-hour news coverage to make sure we know how important this is (“Europe is now at war”), increased climate of fear, division and xenophobia, immediate mass-conditioning hashtags (‘#PrayForBelgium’, ‘#JeSuisBruxelles’, etc), world […]

‘Shameful Day’ as TURKEY Slides Further into Dictatorship…

The dramatic scenes in Istanbul over the weekend can almost be viewed as an illustration of the present Turkish state’s relationship with journalism in general. But even by current Turkish government standards, the literal invasion and takeover of leading opposition newspaper, Zaman, seems pretty radical. The government’s decision to take over management of the country’s biggest […]

What is REALLY Behind the ‘Zika Outbreak’ Panic and Rise in Birth Defects…?

Though the Zika virus was originally discovered in 1947, cases of the virus being contracted were only sporadic, and even then only occurred in Africa and southern Asia. It was until 2013 that that individual cases started to appear in the Americas. It was in May last year that Brazil reported its first case. And […]

ANKARA: Syrian Kurds Neglect 1st Rule of Terrorism – To Claim Responsibility…

As Ankara has again been hit by deadly terrorism, Turkey’s Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, has been very quick to assign blame for Wednesday evening’s car bomb in Ankara that killed 28 people. All the evidence, he said, suggested that the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) were responsible. Davutoğlu’s declarations should be viewed with suspicion […]