This Week's News (From a Certain Point of View)

JO COX: One of Those Special People Gandhi Was Talking About…

I can’t quite remember the last time a ‘breaking news’ story depressed me so much: or lowered my faith in human beings and society so much and so instantly. And before anyone starts beating their chest or throwing things, this isn’t a politicized post or anything with an agenda: it’s about a human being, and […]

ORLANDO MASSACRE Narrative Riddled With Problems: And Police Say They Shot Some of the Victims…

This is a brief addendum to my post on Monday about the Orlando Massacre narrative: because subsequent oddities and inconsistencies in the story keep cropping up. I said on Monday that the story doesn’t add up; well it’s adding up even less now. Too many things have appeared in the media or online for me […]

The ORLANDO MASSACRE: Why You Should Seriously Doubt the Official Story…

I’m not going to spend too long on this; as I’ve said before, I’m getting tired of this whole subject area. Firstly, everyone who was killed, injured or traumatised by the attack in Orlando were innocent victims who deserved better – and who also deserve better than to be turned into a propaganda tool by […]

The RIGGED PRESIDENTIAL RACE, 2016: And a Warning from JFK..

“It’s scandalous,” former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner complained. “It’s absolutely scandalous and it really feeds into what Sanders supporters believe… that this whole thing was rigged right from the beginning.” The Associated Press announcement, on Monday, that Hillary Clinton is now decisively the Democrat nominee and Bernie Sanders is basically out of the race […]

No, CAPTAIN AMERICA ISN’T a ‘Nazi’ or ‘Anti-Semite’…

So last week, as Marvel launched a new Captain America  series, the first issue caught most people off-guard with its ending and even apparently offended a number of fans. It also caused on online uproar and made headlines across most major American media outlets, along with accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ and the writer even receiving death […]

The Brazil Coup: Leaked Tape Proves Conspiracy Against Dilma Rousseff…

If any further proof were needed that was has recently occurred in Brazil has been a pre-planned coup, the country’s ‘interim’ government – led by immensely unpopular and illegitimate Michel Temer – is already being undermined by a leaked audio tape indicating that the impeachment of democratically elected president Dilma Rousseff was a pre-planned conspiracy. […]

The ROUSSEFF IMPEACHMENT: What’s Really Going On in Brazil & Latin America…?

Brazil is in a crisis, that’s for sure. But general Western media portryal of the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff seems only to have presented a simplified, one-sided picture of events. Dilma Rousseff’s supporters call the impeachment process nothing less than a coup. The impeachment effort against Rousseff has been mostly orchestrated by the political, media, […]

All Hail LEICESTER CITY FC. Elvis is Alive and Bono to be Next Pope…

Leicester City being crowned English Premier League champions ranks without doubt as one of the greatest sports stories of modern times. Leicester’s historic victory has cost English bookmakers their biggest ever pay-out. They were given 5000-1 odds of winning the league at the start of the season. As several commentators have noted, you would’ve gotten […]