This Week's News (From a Certain Point of View)

MUNICH: A Confused, Incoherent Attack With Possible Mossad Fingerprints…

The shopping mall shooting spree in Munich seems like the most confused, incoherent attack to date. The narrative has been confused too. And there are key, tell-tale details we should pay attention to. For hours the news stations were saying the police were hunting 3 to 4 attackers; then at the end we were told it […]

When Your So-Called ‘Moderate’ Rebels Behead an 11-Year-Old Boy…

You may have seen the reports circulating concerning the beheading of a child in Syria. The horrendous scenes of the beheading of a young Palestinian boy by a Syrian rebel faction called ‘Nour-Al-Din Al-Zenki’ has been all over social media in the past couple of days. This particularly barbaric crime was carried out not by […]

TURKEY & the ‘Failed Coup’: There Are 3 Possibilities For What Just Happened…

The dramatic events in Turkey overnight are confusing, to say the least. All international outlets report that part of the Turkish military attempted to carry out a coup and oust President Erdogan from power. We are also told the coup appears to have failed, that Erdogan is safely resuming his presidency and that all the conspirators […]

DALLAS SHOOTINGS: American ‘Race War’ Psy-Op & the Toxic ‘Info Wars’…

Apparently, there’s a ‘Civil War‘ going on in America. Apparently the definition of ‘Civil War’ is becoming a very loose, meaningless thing to all the propagandists in both mainstream and (some) alternative media – all of whom should probably have a chat with someone in Syria or Libya to ask them what a ‘Civil War’ […]

IRAQ: Chilcot, the ‘Trial of Tony Blair’ & the Suffering/Humiliation of the Iraqi People…

As today will see the official release of the Chilcot Report into Tony Blair’s and the British government’s role in the Iraq War, I am re-posting here two older articles that are perhaps particularly relevant in that context. The first asks the question ‘Is Tony Blair Being Made a Scapegoat For the Entire Iraq War?’ […]

ORLANDO MASSACRE: We Might Have Just Gotten Definitive Proof of What Really Happened…

We already looked at reasons why the Orlando Massacre was probably a false-flag operation; first here and then more here. But now something has emerged that seems to prove it almost beyond doubt. A missing puzzle-piece that, when fitted into the picture, appears to portray the story in its true light. Many of us will […]

TTIP and the UK’s Misjudged EU Referendum Debates…

The big, final EU Referendum debate, held at Wembley Stadium on Tuesday night, seemed to do very little but reiterate both camps’ arguments and positions from recent weeks. Aside from giving Boris Johnson his dramatic “Independence Day” moment, both sides of the debate simply continued their same mixture of accusations, evasions and fearmongering. What is remarkable is that, […]