This Week's News (From a Certain Point of View)

BREXIT, the Right-Wing Media & the UK’s Constitutional Crisis…

Michael Heseltine, the veteran Tory politician and reformist, said – just a day after the EU Referendum – that Brexit would provoke the “greatest constitutional crisis in modern times”. He wasn’t wrong – as recent events are demonstrating. The idea of a quick, ‘Hard Brexit’ (which sounds like a sexual euphemism, but isn’t) has probably […]

The Sioux & the North Dakota Pipeline: Why You Should Be Watching Closely…

The situation around the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, which has been largely glossed over by much of mainstream US news media, appears to be disturbingly and dramatically indicative of the true dynamic – between citizenry on one hand and law-enforcement and state powers on the other – when the giant corporations (i.e: […]

The FBI, Hillary, Trump, All Just a Lark: Ever Seen ‘BREWSTER’S MILLIONS’…?

So Hillary is being investigated again by the FBI? The FBI just announced the relaunching of its investigation into Hillary’s emails and personal server, apparently after discovering more emails “that appear to be pertinent to the investigation”. It is hard to tell whether this move really is the serious threat to Hillary’s presidential hopes that […]

Psychopathic Politics: The Long March Towards War With Russia…

The hawks in Washington are in full propaganda mode to justify war with Moscow. Everything is being thrown at Russia now: war crimes accusations in Syria, proposed suspension from the UN Security Council, MH-17, Eastern Ukraine, hacking allegations, covert support for Donald Trump, etc. All of it appears to be a concerted campaign to firmly […]

First Presidential Debate: A Pantomime on the Moral Decline of American Politics…

As the interest and hype started to build around the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I decided to conduct a little experiment based on the mythology of sorts surrounding the very first televised presidential debate: which had been between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. Famously, in that particular debate, the […]

The Charlotte Riots: Social Breakdown or Organised Chaos…?

Everything surrounding the violence and unrest in Charlotte has been fairly predictable – including most people’s reactions. People now tend to be already decided, before these things even happen, whether they believe the entire thing is an externally-orchestrated ‘civil unrest’ conspiracy or whether it is a legitimate social justice movement responding to known and widely circulated instances […]

SYRIA: US Attack on the Syrian Army & the Findings of the US Peace Council…

You might’ve thought that the United States‘ policy in Syria couldn’t get any more confused or damaged: but the admission that a US air strike has killed somewhere between 60 to 83 soldiers of the Syrian Army is just about the worst thing, and at the worst time, that could’ve happened in terms of US […]

The Libya Catastrophe: And the Trial of DAVID CAMERON…

Following in the wake of the Chilcot Report into the Iraq War, British MPs have issued a substantial condemnation of David Cameron and Britain’s key role in the collapse of Libya. It comes far too late; but it is nevertheless a significant moment and acknowledgement of the utter disaster that Britain played a substantial role in, […]

Did We Just See an Assassination Attempt on Julian Assange…?

So just days after 48 year-old John Jones – a man closely associated with Julian Assange – is horribly killed in the London Underground, a man has been caught scaling the wall and window of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder is being kept. An online statement from WikiLeaks, early Monday morning, […]

The ‘Trump Card’, WikiLeaks & the Trail of Death to the White House…

It’s remarkable how apeshit so much of the media has gone over a Donald Trump gaffe that has been interpreted as endorsing an assassination of Hillary. Not that Trump’s off-the-cuff remark wasn’t stupid; but he says stupid stuff all the time. What he specifically said was something along the lines of Hillary being a threat […]