This Week's News (From a Certain Point of View)

An Interesting Note on the US and the Seven ‘Banned’ Countries…

I have decided – due to requests from several people – to stop writing negative things about Donald Trump or the Steve Bannon administration that has just come into the White House. Even though I have serious misgivings about this new administration and its outlook (along with some more positive views on some specific ideas), I […]

TRUMP, 2017: Decoding the Bizarre, Bleak Inauguration of ‘God’s Chosen Leader’…

So Inauguration Day in Washington came across as a decidedly odd, even slightly unsettling, affair: which is perhaps the only fitting end-point for what has been a decidedly odd, even slightly unsettling, presidential race. It also seemed to affirm my fears that we’re falling deeper into a bad place. What was most striking about the […]

The End in Aleppo: A Confused, Emotive Story Plays Out in International Media…

As was clear a few days ago when the Syrian Army liberated the Old City of Aleppo, it was just a matter of time before the remainder of rebel-held Aleppo would be recaptured. The dramatic, wildly conflicting, reports circulating in the last 24 hours confirm that Aleppo has been fully liberated by the government forces: […]

AUSTRIA’s Voters Win the Battle: But Europe’s Struggle Has Just Begun…

I feel as if we should congratulate voters in Austria for – on the balance – refusing to vote the Far-Right ‘Freedom Party’ to power. In what was a very closely and nervously watched election in Austria yesterday, the Freedom Party candidate Norbert Hofer (who had won the first round of the election, with 35% […]

The True Nature of the FAR RIGHT: And Why the Murder of JO COX Shouldn’t Be Forgotten…

The Far Right extremist charged with the sadistic murder of Labour MP Jo Cox in June has been given a whole-life sentence. The 53 year-old Thomas Mair stabbed and shot the 41 year-old mother of two in broad daylight outside her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire, just over a week before the UK’s EU […]

Why the Anti-Trump Protests Are Necessary: And Why They Should Eventually Stop…

Before commenting on the protests still going on around America, I want to establish two things first. Firstly, Donald Trump won the election: eventually that will simply have to be accepted. Second, I really don’t have a clear sense of what’s going on at the moment behind the scenes or of what is going to […]

‘Illuminati’ Election 2016: Here is What Everyone Missed About the TRUMP/OBAMA Meeting…

I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Donald Trump visited his future home, the White House, to meet Barak Obama on Thursday. I mean, there’s a conversation it would’ve been fascinating to hear: a conversation between the first Black President of America and his soon-to-be successor – a man endorsed […]