
How Could the U.S. Help to Bring Peace to Ukraine?

Photo credit: cdn.zeebiz.com On April 21st, President Biden announced new shipments of weapons to Ukraine, at a cost of $800 million to U.S. taxpayers. On April 25th, Secretaries Blinken and Austin announced over $300 million more military aid. The United States has now spent $3.7 billion on weapons for Ukraine since the Russian invasion, bringing […]

The Tao of Vladimir Putin

Since power equals force times speed… Thus, a smaller man who can swing faster may hit as hard or as far as the heavier man who swings slowly. — Bruce Lee, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do Vladimir Putin has won one of the amazing strategic military victories in history. The Ukrainians had an army […]
The post The Tao of Vladimir Putin first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The West Has Fallen Into Darkness

When reason hath to deal with force, yet so Most reason is that reason overcome. — Paradise Lost (6.125-126) As the Western elites continue to pour weapons into Ukraine to the delight of the armaments industry and the closet Nazis of Natostan, the cult of neoliberalism, which put the Banderite regime in power during the Obama […]
The post The West Has Fallen Into Darkness first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Will Russia Strike Slovakia if it Transfers S-300 to Ukraine?

In a significantly escalatory move, potentially giving Russia justifiable pretext to mount an incursion in Slovakia, Bratislava appears to have struck a deal with NATO for transferring its Soviet-era S-300 air defense system to Ukraine in return for Netherlands and Germany delivering three Patriot missile systems to Slovakia. Although NATO has provided thousands of anti-aircraft […]

Sick and Sicker, Dumb and Dumber, Rich and Richer

Quote — “The US will likely end up supplying Ukraine with Switchblade loitering munitions. The system poses a real threat. Nevertheless, the Russian military will likely use the tactics we saw in Syria to neutralize this threat.” (Southfront) And, well, it is tax time, and these beasts of a nation — Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, MSM […]
The post Sick and Sicker, Dumb and Dumber, Rich and Richer first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Anachronistic Frivolity: Australia’s Recent Tank Purchase

The operating doctrine of many a defence ministry is premised on fatuity.  There is the industry prerogative and need for employment.  There are the hectoring think tanks writing in oracular tones of warning that the next “strategic” change is peeking around the corner.  Purchases of weapons are then made to fight devils foreign and invisible, […]

How Israel’s Actions Against Iran Are Rooted in Cecil Rhodes’s 1877 Plan

There has been much speculation about why Israel was allowed in 1967 to intentionally bomb the USS Liberty and slaughter 34 American soldiers on that ship which the U.S. Government has covered-up. And there also is much speculation about why, as reported to Congress by the Congressional Research Service on 7 August 2019, “Israel is […]

Military pollution is the skeleton in the West’s climate closet

World leaders gathered in Glasgow last week for the COP26 summit in a bid to demonstrate how they are belatedly getting to grips with the climate crisis. Agreements to protect forests, cut carbon and methane emissions and promote green tech are all being hammered out in front of a watching world. Western politicians, in particular, […]

Biden and Congress Agree: Build Back Bombs Better

Last Friday Congress passed the Biden “Infrastructure” Bill which will be signed into law post haste says the White House. The bill, designed to upgrade roads, bridges, transport and broadband, is a bricks and mortar affair and will benefit industry and commerce. It is the first of two bills that have been the center of […]
The post Biden and Congress Agree: Build Back Bombs Better first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Hypersonic Panic and Competitive Terror

During his eventful time in office, US President Donald Trump took much delight in reflecting about the lethal toys of his country’s military, actual or hypothetical.  These included a hypersonic capability which, his military advisors had warned, was being mastered by adversaries.  Such devices, comprising hypersonic cruise missiles and hypersonic boost-glide vehicles, have been touted […]