Washington Post

New York Post: “Pro-Democracy” Media is Threat to Liberty

New York Post, January 14, 2022 ‘Pro-democracy’ and polarizing media are the real threat to liberty By James Bovard American democracy is in grave peril because journalists are insufficiently hysterical and biased. That is the conclusion of a trio of Washington Post columnists and a panoply of other media experts. But journalists’ rush to the […]

Max Boot’s Rant Against Oliver Stone

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | December 22, 2021 Max Boot, a conservative who has long favored regime-change operations on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment, is going after Hollywood producer and director Oliver Stone. His beef with Stone? He’s upset because Stone has long maintained that the U.S. national-security establishment employed one […]

Sen. Johnson Requests Records From Top Medical Journals on Retracted Studies, Including Flawed HCQ Study

The Defender | December 21, 2021 Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has written to The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine seeking records on two retracted studies from mid-2020. Johnson particularly called out The Lancet study, which suggested hydroxychloroquine could boost the risk of death in COVID patients. “Although this fraudulent study was ultimately retracted, […]

New York Post: Liberals and “Will of the People” Malarkey

Biden's #BuildBackBetter relies on “modern monetary theory” — intellectual hucksterism which presumes any election winner is entitled to spend as many dollars as the government can seize or create. https://t.co/sGN95iLw7N — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 21, 2021 Manchin is guilty of rejecting the “government spending as magic beans” philosophy that permeates the Biden administration. Build […]

How the Corporate Media Launched a Disinformation Campaign to Protect Fauci

By Leighton Woodhouse | December 1, 2021 By now you’ve surely heard about Anthony Fauci and his laboratory beagles, but in case you haven’t, it goes like this: For forty years, Fauci, as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has funded gruesome experiments on animals. Beagles in particular are one of […]

The Cynical and Dangerous Weaponization of the “White Supremacist” Label

By Glenn Greenwald | November 27, 2021 Within hours of the August 25, 2020, shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin — not days, but hours — it was decreed as unquestioned fact in mainstream political and media circles that the shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, was a “white supremacist.” Over the next fifteen months, up to and including his acquittal […]

The Washington Post and the JFK Records Deadline

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | October 7, 2021 In my blog post yesterday entitled “Mainstream Press Silence on the JFK Deadline, I took the mainstream media to task for remaining steadfastly silent about the upcoming October 26 deadline for the release of the CIA’s long-secret JFK assassination-related records. Instead, I pointed out, the mainstream […]