Wall Street reform

Top 5 Reasons Why Hillary Will Not Reform Wall Street

-by j. darcyIn the most recent Democratic debate of what is quickly degenerating into the political counterpart of bare-knuckle boxing, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders went at it toe-to-toe, all snippy like, to the delight of the assembled audience and anybody else not in the punditry business who happened to be watching. Which, if the ratings are to be believed, weren't quite as many as MSNBC probably would have liked.

Do You Think Picking The Lesser Of Two Evils In November Is How We Should Chose A President?

Maybe Hillary assumed no one would notice the kinds of hauls she was taking in from the Financial Sector for her presidential run. After all, the titans of Wall Street had largely underwritten her political career from the get go-- to the tune of $36,846,987. The only Members of Congress to whom they were more generous were McCain ($38,054,987) and, as she pointed out at the Sunday debate in South Carolina, Obama ($68,186,749).

Why Don't Voters Trust Hillary Any More Than They Trust Rubio, Cruz, Trumpf Or Christie?

The Democratic Party Establishment, worried that too much democracy could upset their profitable little racket, instituted the idea of "super-delegates" in 1982 to gives themselves some control over the nomination process. Originally the party bosses demanded 30% of all the delegates but today the super-delegates-- current and former Democratic Party officials-- comprise 20% of the convention delegates.

Corrupt Political Hacks Like Steve Israel And Chuck Schumer Promote Other Corrupt Hacks Like Themselves... Take Patrick Murphy In Florida

Today I got another shameless fundraising email from a Senate Democrat doing Wall Street's bidding-- Barbara Boxer, disgracing herself as she hobbles out the door by referring to reactionary "ex"-Republican, Patrick Murphy, as a "bold progressive" and asking people who trust her to contribute to his right-wing campaign. Maybe "bold-faced liar" would have been more precise.