
Massacre in Orlando: Morality and Mortality

The Massacre in Orlando By Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgOrlando terrorist Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was licensed by the state of Florida to carry firearms. His rifle may even have been part of his job. Since 2007 he has been employed by G4S Secure Solutions, a “global” security firm that provided protection to the London Olympics. Until recently, G4S had an Israeli section with 8,000 employees.

10 Reasons to Oppose the Saudi Monarchy

The cozy US relationship with the Saudis has to do with oil, weapons sales and joint opposition to Iran. But with extremism spreading through the globe, a reduced US need for Saudi oil, and a thawing of US relations with Iran, now is the time to start calling for the US government to sever its ties with the Saudi monarchs.

By Medea Benjamin

Evil Triumphs: The West’s Hand Behind ISIS Confirmed

Evil Triumphs: The West’s Hand Behind ISIS Confirmed
By Brandon Martinez (Copyright 2015)
For years now judicious analysts have been saying that ISIS, which now calls itself the Islamic State, is a synthetic witches’ brew of malcontents organized, armed and trained by the West and its regional appendages in the Arab Gulf countries.