
Senator Sherrod Brown And Congressman Alan Grayson On "So-Called" Free Trade

Brown has been fighting against the job-killing corporate trade agenda since long before he was ever elected to the Senate. He was the primary champion of the battle against these unfair trade bills in the House-- just as Grayson is today. Last week, Brown did an OpEd for the Jackson County Times-Journal about the dangers of fast-tracking the TPP.

Democratic Congressional Candidate Jason Ritchie Makes The Case For Opposing TPP

In the new video above, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, a professor of economics at UC Berkeley, asserts, "The only sure way to stop excessive risk-taking on Wall Street-- so that you don't risk losing your job or your savings or your home-- is to put an end to the excessive economic and political power of Wall Street by busting up the big banks."And in a new Senate report, Broken Promises: Decades of Failure to Enforce Labor Standards in Free Trade Agreements Elizabeth Warren punched back hard at the absurd contention

Blue America's Last Candidate Endorsement Of 2014

Blue America’s last endorsement of the 2014 cycle is Jason Ritchie, the candidate running for the seat currently held by conservative Republican Dave Reichert in a swing district that stretches from the suburbs south and east of Seattle all the way out to Wenatchee and Ellensburg. Obama won the district both times, by almost 15,000 against McCain and by close to 5,000 against Romney.

Democrats Need 17 Pickups To Take Back The House-- So The DCCC Endorses 16 Red To Blue Candidates

I don't expect lazy Beltway reporters to dig this deep, but the real story of yesterday's DCCC Red-to-Blue announcement was less about a bunch of lame recruits like Blue Dog Gwen Graham (FL) and "mystery meat" no issues candidates like Domenic Recchia (NY) and Ann Callis (IL), than it was about which candidates and which districts got left out again.

David Reichert (R-WA) Needs Independent Voters To Be Reelected But Jason Ritchie Has Other Plans For Those Voters

Many of us know about WA-08 because a progressive champion, Darcy Burner ran against Republican incumbent Dave Reichert in 2006 and 2008. Darcy came close but never unseated Reichert... and the DCCC has ignored the district. They shouldn't. With a PVI of R+1, President Obama won it in 2008 against McCain 51-47% and last year against Romney 50-48%.