Why it was necessary to expel the US Ambassador from Moscow [Video]

The following is a translation from the Moscow daily paper Moscovsky Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец), a tabloid newspaper with a fairly strong circulation in Moscow and, through its website, all of Russia. Covered here is the requested departure of US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan, which was just one small step shy from true expulsion. It should […]

Putin to run for president in 2018

Originally appeared at RussiaFeed.com

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, we have a request – we all ask you to register as a candidate in the next presidential elections, we would all be very glad when it happens,”

said the villagers in the Siberian republic of Buryatia via a TV link, organized during the president’s visit to the eastern regions of Russia.

“All right, I will think about it, thank you,”