VN Alexander

Here Come the Cyborgs: Mating AI with Human Brain Cells

VN Alexander If you read and believe headlines, it seems scientists are very close to being able to merge human brains with AI. In mid-December 2023, a Nature Electronics article triggered a flurry of excitement about progress on that transhuman front: “‘Biocomputer’ combines lab-grown brain tissue with electronic hardware” “A system that integrates brain cells into a hybrid machine can …

2023: The Year of the ChatGPT Scare

VN Alexander 2023 was the year that an artificial intelligence (AI) known as ChatGPT-4 spectacularly passed the Turing Test. For a hundred million users, interacting with the Chat bot was indistinguishable from interacting with a human being. The bot appeared to be able to understand questions and reason out competent answers.  Although its replies were …