
Should You Move to the SOUTH? TENNESSEE??

A question that has arisen lately from many subscribers, followers and acquaintances: should I move to the South? What is Tennessee like? It is good for a family? What can I expect in rural or in city areas? What are the pros? What are the cons? Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all […]
The post Should You Move to the SOUTH? TENNESSEE?? appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

The Weird and the Good – Best and Worst Films & Philosophies – 60k Subs Party Stream

Today we chill and chat about whatever you guys want, as we reflect on hitting 60k!  Thanks to all the supporters and subs for getting us to this milestone.  We will cover some of the latest films I’ve viewed but haven’t analyzed yet like Gangs of New York, as well as some of my favorite and recommended movies in various genres. Best 80s, best maffia movies, best of all time, etc. We’ll also look into obscure films I’ve recently come to enjoy or have changed my mind on, as well as open Q n A on whatever.


Jönssons lördagsvideo: De lutande siffrorna i PISA

»Är PISA-siffrorna ett hedersbetyg till det svenska skolväsendet, eller är de en glädjekalkyl med stort mörkertal? Meningarna går isär, beroende på vem man frågar. I veckan kom siffror som visar att svensk utbildningskvalitet skjuter i höjden. Samtidigt framförs kritik om att en alltför stor grupp svagpresterande elever exkluderats från undersökningen. Vad är sant? Hur görs urvalet? Och hur ska man tolka undersökningens resultat? Dessa frågor tar jag upp i veckans video.«