
The US Visa “Suspension” for Russians is an inconvenient administrative rerouting

It was just announced earlier today that the US is suspending the processing of non-immigrant visas to Russians in all of its consulates in the country on 23 August, which caused a knee-jerk social media reaction that America was essentially banning Russians from visiting. That’s not the case, at all, and anyone who read beyond the headlines would know this. According to the US’ official statement:

BREAKING: US Embassy in Russia suspends issuing of ‘Non-Immigrant’ Visas

The US Embassy in Russia has announced it has suspended the issuing of so-called ‘Non-Immigrant Visas’ in Russia. This move will remain indefinite for US consulates throughout Russia while services in Moscow will apparently resume after the 1st of September, 2017, the date after which 755 US diplomatic workers will be eventuated from Russia.
The US defines the following types of individuals who seek to travel to the US as those requiring ‘Non-Immigrant Visas’.

Israel Officially Adopts Policy Barring Entry To Supporters Of BDS

Protesters demonstrate against a state-sanctioned backlash against the movement for Palestinian human rights. New York City, June 9, 2016. (Photo: Erik McGregor/Pacific Press/ Sipa/AP)
(REPORT) — The Israeli Knesset on Monday gave final approval to a bill forbidding entry to the country by those who called for a boycott of Israel or settlement products in the occupied West Bank.

The U.S. Plan To Topple All 7 Countries On Trump’s Refugee Ban List

(ANALYSIS) — According to Reuters, Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order that would include a temporary refugee ban and a suspension of visas for citizens of Syria and six other Middle Eastern and African countries.
The list is expected to include Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. If those countries are starting to sound familiar, there’s a reason for that.