
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization

600k views in 2 days!  This is a huge viral report! Jay Dyer joins hAlex J0nez to help give a SPARS 2025-2028 update and confirm what 1nfowars has been reporting for over a year: the C0V1D-l9 vaccine is a globalist bio-attack meant to collapse nation states and usher in the New World 0rder. Subscribe to […]

Hollywood, DC – Sean Stone Doc. ft. Oliver Stone, Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer
The film and television industries may be America’s go-to source of escapism and entertainment, but the glossy magazine covers documenting celebrity meltdowns and box-office predictions serve as a convenient distraction from some of the lesser known connections tying together Hollywood and the nation’s national security establishment.

STARBUCK ARREST! White Rapper ALMOST Arrested! OUTRAGE – Video

I had tried so many time to get arrest at starbuck – KOOPA TROOFA
This is the free half, while subscribers to JaysAnalaysis get access to the full lectures, talks, interviews and archives by subscribing at the PayPal links at Today we move to the next section of Genesis, chapters 3-6 to examine the typology, symbolism and overall philosophy of revelation, contrasted with the philosophy of naturalism, materialism, paganism and Gnosticism.

YouTube Shooter & The 1,000 Year Techno Prison Stare – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Live Uninterruptible Talk Radio with the ACR Social Rejects Club
Dawn those headphones, crank it up and drop into the Boiler Room this week hosted by Hesher and Spore along with Jay Dyer, Randy J, Tommy the Comic Book Guy and Infidel Pharaoh.
Audio Here
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