Viktor Orban

Orbán’s Latest Dance

Viktor Orbán of Hungary is not to be hectored to.  Arching with fury at the EU’s September motion to sanction Hungary for bad behaviour under the Article 7 process, he was resolved to ratchet things up.  The motion, while getting 448 votes concerned about judicial independence, corruption, freedom of expression, academic freedom, the rights and migrants, amongst others did have[Read More...]

The globalist forces behind the protests in Hungary

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at a controversial labor bill that has been dubbed the ‘slave law’ and has ignited an angry public response in Hungary.
Even though the bill faced formidable opposition, it was adopted into law, prompting an angry crowd to gather outside of the parliament building after the vote. Protesters were chanting “traitors!” Some of them were also waving the EU flags.

Bolsonaro: A monster engineered by our media

With Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil’s presidential election at the weekend, the doom-mongers among western elites are out in force once again. His success, like Donald Trump’s, has confirmed a long-held prejudice: that the people cannot be trusted; that, when empowered, they behave like a mob driven by primitive urges; that the unwashed masses now threaten to bring down the […]
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Hungary and Italy unite to challenge Merkel’s neoliberal rule over Europe (Video)

The man many see to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels, Germany’s Manfred Weber, has stated his desire to work with Hungary PM Viktor Orban and Italian leader Matteo Salvini in an interview Friday.
Weber, an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told Italy’s La Stampa newspaper that it was necessary “to sit down at a table, to listen to each other and find compromises”.

“We should work with everyone, and listen to everyone so we can find a common vision.”

Hungary Forbids Gender Studies, Enraging Academics

Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, has sent a directive to higher-education institutions in his country to ban the teaching of gender studies. The reaction from many circles opposing the rule has been swift. 
In the doldrums of a European summer, when many universities are mostly closed or short-staffed, the populist Hungarian government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban sent a directive to higher-education institutions on Aug. 9 forbidding the teaching of gender studies.