
6 States That may be Next to Legalize Marijuana

There are now 23 states, as well as D.C., which have legalized marijuana in some form. The only states to have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes are Colorado, Washington, Alaska, and Oregon, while the rest have medical marijuana laws in place. And as many might suspect, we’ll soon be seeing some blockbuster years for marijuana legalization. 

Russia Bans GMOs

Genetically engineered foods and ingredients harm human health. Russia banned them. Wants more organic food produced. More on this below.
GMO expert Jeffrey Smith calls GMO foods and ingredients “inherently unsafe. The GM process creates collateral damage in the plant, which can cause (disturbing) side effects.”
Independent studies prove it. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) reported “animal studies indicat(ing) health risks associated with GM foods.”