
Guaido coup failure, D.C. swamp support for war in Venezuela remains high (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido’s spectacular failure to start a military uprising against the Maduro government on Tuesday.
Puppet Guaido’s poorly executed coup has not discouraged D.C. swamp warmongers (on both sides of the aisle) and their mainstream media stenographers, from continuing to push for war with Venezuela.

Guaido Now “Worth More Dead Than Alive” to Washington’s Venezuelan Coup-Creators

(ZH) — Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido failed to kick-start a military uprising on Tuesday. After this fizzle, his life may be in danger from his own CIA backers, the director of the Ron Paul Institute argued in a debate. Daniel McAdams and Ron Paul, the former libertarian representative from Texas, discussed the repeated attempts by Guaido to […]

Guaido’s Failed Coup – Venezuela Roundup

Coup attempt by Guaido, the imperialism-backed proxy in Venezuela, has failed. After hours of violence with rocks and Molotov cocktails, and gunfire by Guaido supporters the gamble of Guaido has flopped. Chavista leaders took to state and social media to denounce what they termed a coup in progress, and large crowds gathered to defend Miraflores Presidential Palace. Media reports said:[Read More...]

Guaidó launches abortive military coup in Venezuela | Bill Van Auken 

A coup attempt launched Tuesday morning in Venezuela, distinguished by the brazen criminality of the US government in supporting and orchestrating it, appeared to have failed miserably by nightfall. The attempt was launched with the posting of a video by the US-backed right-wing puppet Juan Guaidó, backed by a few dozen men in military uniform outside the La Carlota air[Read More...]

Venezuela is a Dark Mirror Into Populism’s Soul

I’m writing this as Juan Guaido attempts to provoke a coup against Nicolas Maduro’s government in Venezuela. I don’t have a dog in this hunt, frankly, as Maduro is incompetent and Guaido is a US puppet.
The people I sympathize with are the Venezuelans who are the victims of the clash between the cynical power politics of the US’s geopolitical ambitions and Donald Trump’s ridiculous Energy Dominance policy and the inept governments of first Hugo Chavez and now Maduro which brought the country nothing but pain.

Coup Attempt in Venezuela: What You’re Not Being Told

The reality of the situation in Venezuela is much more complicated than the likes of CNN would have the American people believe. (TMU) — The turbulent situation that has been unfolding in Venezuela for the last few years reached new heights on Tuesday as opposition leader and self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaidó attempted to wrangle power away […]

US Claims Maduro Was Going to Flee Venezuela, but the Russians Stopped Him

(ANTIWAR.COM) — When the Venezuelan coup attempt launched earlier on Tuesday, the Trump administration likely didn’t figure on having to justify its failure, when officials were loudly endorsing what they had dubbed Operacion Libertad. By evening, the operation had failed, however, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took to CNN to try to pin the blame […]

Trump admin. behaves ‘like thugs in a barrio’: Interview with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza

Exclusive interview: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza comments on new US sanctions, the Trump administration’s coup efforts, the OAS, and…
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