
Venezuelan Communes Protect the State

Direct democracy works like a charm. Check out Venezuela’s Communes…. Venezuela’s ubiquitous Communes are proof that direct democracy works. And, interestingly enough, those same Communes are powerful buffers to attempted coups, protecting the sanctity of direct democracy in their country. In all likelihood, John Bolton and Trump and Pence and Pompeo and Rubio were shocked beyond recognition by the failed[Read More...]

The Plot to Kill Venezuela

And who is caught between an economy reliant on oil revenues and a sanctions regime designed to create suffering? The people caught in the squeeze of factors beyond their control. Hugo Chávez knew that Venezuela was very vulnerable. Its oil revenues account for 98 percent of its export earnings. Chávez was familiar with the thinking of Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo,[Read More...]

US Ship Violates Venezuelan Waters as Guaido Asks US Military to Oust Maduro

(VA Op-ed) — Self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaido has ordered the setting up of a meeting with the US Armed Forces to discuss “cooperation” in his efforts to oust President Nicolas Maduro. During a gathering of supporters in the upper middle class Caracas district of Las Mercedes on Saturday, Guaido informed that he was instructing his representative […]

Embassy Protection Collective Releases Statement on 34th Day of Venezuelan Embassy Standoff

The Embassy Protection Collective is a group of activists and journalists living in the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC at the invitation of the Venezuelan government. The following is a statement released by the Embassy Protection Collective to MintPress News and other media:
This is the 34th day of our living in the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC. We are prepared to stay another 34 days, or however long is needed to resolve the embassy dispute in a peaceful way consistent with international law.

A Venezuela-situation analysis by the MSM

“Self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido”, Ian Bremmer writes in Time, “gambled this week [Last week of April] to try to force the ouster” of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. (“The quick read about… Venezuela’s faltering revolution”, May 4, 2019) On the pre- and post-coup attempt situation, now identified as Guaido-gamble, Time writes: “[T]here was genuine hope that this was the beginning[Read More...]

Venezuela: How one local council is working to overcome the crisis through people’s power

In the midst of Venezuela’s prolonged economic crisis, in which state budgets and support for the governing socialists steadily contract, at least one municipal council is bucking the trend. The key, according to the local mayor, has been focusing on people’s power and self-management. Paéz is a rural municipality located in Apure state, along the tense border with Colombia. Opposition-controlled[Read More...]