
US Media Coverage of Venezuela Reaches All-Time Low

As famed Latin American author Eduardo Galeano once wrote, “every time the US ‘saves’ a country, it converts it into either an insane asylum or a cemetery.” Of course, as we look over the wreckage left by the US in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, we see that this statement is demonstrably true. And yet, now that the US is poised for another intervention, this time in Venezuela, the press is right there again to cheer it along.

U.S. behaves as “Cowboy” in Venezuela, says Spain’s Foreign Minister

Spain’s Foreign Minister Josep Borrell Wednesday accused the U.S. of behaving like a “cowboy” in Venezuela. He stressed that a solution to Venezuela’s current political impasse should be “peaceful, negotiated and democratic.” “The contact group which we are part of is not on the same wavelength as the U.S. administration, which is like a cowboy who says ‘look at me, I[Read More...]

Venezuela ROUNDUP: Guaido now seeks direct relationship with the U.S. Southern Command

Imperialism is intensifying its interventionist activities in Venezuela with the help of its proxies. Its proxies are also seeking cooperation of U.S. armed forces. Media reports said: The situation in Venezuela has turned so bad for Juan Guaido, the U.S.-backed self-declared “interim president”, that the number of participants at his own rallies has diminished greatly over the last few days. According[Read More...]

VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 7)

It’s amazing the amount of misinformation that has been produced in recent years about oppression and/or repression in Venezuela. I only ask you to tell me, ladies and gentlemen in the West, what kind of oppression allows the criminal opposition to commit all these outrageous acts of terror? Read the full article HERE
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Trump: Extortionist-in-Chief

Donald Trump fancies himself as a deal-maker. His foreign and economic policies, however, are more akin to those of a Mafia extortionist. At a minute after midnight on May 10, Trump hiked tariffs from 10 to 25 percent on $200 billion of Chinese imports. He also threatened a 25 percent tariff on the rest of the $325 billion of imports from China. Trump, who is as challenged in simple mathematics as he is with the English language, falsely tweeted that Chinese tariffs would be paid directly into the US Treasury. This statement was both comically and tragically wrong.

Why State Department’s ‘Charm Offensive’ Is in Fact Offensive to Venezuelans

For those who are fed up with or have been on the bad end of US Foreign Policy since the end of the Cold War, ShareAmerica’s video “A New Venezuela” is not going to put a smile on your face. Sadly instead showing the America people love filled with free-spirited rugged individuals with a can-do attitude driving cool cars, they instead went with making a video about the other America that the world does not love – the one that tells everyone what to do and how to live under the threat of force for non-compliance.

E. Michael Jones - Controlling The Masses: Sexual Revolution & The Role of Swedish Cinema - Hour 1

Author E. Michael Jones and editor of joins Henrik to discuss his books Libido Dominandi, The Slaughter of Cities & The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. We being speaking about Pastor Anderson who recently was banned from entering Ireland. Religious freedom is diminishing and censorship is increasing in the “free” and “open” West. We dissect who is behind it and why it's being done.