
VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 8)

Do you still have doubts about who oppresses who? No problem, read Venezuela for dummies. If, after having read this article and analyzed all the given sources, you still find yourself “confused” about Venezuela, well, in that case, you too are a lost cause. In that case, you can join the club of those who “have lost the ability to reason”.[Read More...]

Trump: From China to Iran to Venezuela, Threats and Sanctions Everywhere

As of May 10, Mr. Trump has arbitrarily increased tariffs on Chinese goods imported into the US, worth about 200 billion dollars, from 10% to 25%. It is an action without any foundation. An action that makes no sense at all, as China can and will retaliate – and retaliate much stronger than what the impact of the US’s new “sanctions” may bear – because these arbitrary tariffs are nothing else but sanctions.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 186 Ken Silverstein on The Intercept, NRA spending scandal, and Venezuela

In the first hour, I went solo and talked about some recent developments in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. I started off with the recent hostage rescue operation by French special forces which freed 4 tourists. I talked about the political instability that Burkina Faso has been facing over the past several years. I also talked about the rumors that the hostages were going to be handed over to the Macina Liberation Front in Mali. I spoke about the rise of jihadi groups across West Africa and how much of it unfolded in 2012 with the ouster of Mali’s president Amadou Toumani Toure.

Iran Squeezed Between Imperial Psychos and European Cowards

The overwhelming majority of Global South nations are watching the U.S. neocon offensive to ultimately strangle “the Iranian people”, aware more than ever that Iran may be bullied to extinction because it does not posses a nuclear deterrent. The IRGC has reached the same conclusion.
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