
Venezuela: Amnesty International in Service of Empire

By Roger D. Harris | Dissident Voice | May 18, 2019 Uncle Sam has a problem in his South American “backyard” with those uppity Venezuelans who insisted on democratically electing Nicolás Maduro as their president instead of by-passing the electoral process and installing the unelected US asset Juan Guaidó. No matter, Amnesty International has come […]

Venezuela Exposes the Myth of John Bolton’s “Genius”

(SC Op-ed) — April 30 was the real April Fools’ Day in Venezuela: They proclaimed a coup and nobody came. The fiasco of the latest obviously unsuccessful US attempt to topple twice democratically-elected President Nicolas Maduro made a laughing stock of the US government throughout the world and is now exposing new splits in the Trump administration in […]

Venezuela Exposes the Myth of John Bolton’s “Genius”

April 30 was the real April Fools’ Day in Venezuela: They proclaimed a coup and nobody came.
The fiasco of the latest obviously unsuccessful US attempt to topple twice democratically-elected President Nicolas Maduro made a laughing stock of the US government throughout the world and is now exposing new splits in the Trump administration in Washington. It is also exposing a dangerous but also ridiculous myth that Washington has credulously swallowed for generations – the idea that National Security Adviser John Bolton is actually competent.

Venezuelan Embassy Besiegers Were ‘Elite’, Sought Gains from US Intervention

Sputnik – May 18, 2019 The angry mob of Venezuelan expatriates who laid siege to the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC, earlier this month was composed of numerous figures with close ties to the inner structures of the US empire and who stood to benefit financially from a coup d’etat in Venezuela, investigative journalists told […]

Tale of the tape: Lavrov and Pompeo meet in Sochi (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss the meeting in Sochi, Russia between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
The Sochi talks concluded with an agreement to cooperate on nuclear arms control, but no common ground could be found on dangerous, hot button issues like Venezuela ad Iran.